After a week-long hard work, everybody (including the workaholics, of course) awaits for a weekend! While many people spend these days with medium pleasures such as fast food, movie, video games, etc., the rest of the world tells a different story! Besides gossiping about the trending restaurants and cinemas that are popping out in the valley like a popcorn, let us take a moment to realize how naturally and elegantly rich is the Kathmandu Valley. From Manjushree cutting the gorge to the legendary Kings treading in the cities of mystic historical folktales, this little valley, amass the enormous globe, witnesses all of these!
So keep calm and hold your excitement as HoneyGuide now brings you ‘Day Hikes in Kathmandu’ for all the hiking enthusiasts and short-trek lovers in the very own ‘Trekking in Nepal’ App. With the three trails in the Nagarjun forest ( The Standard trail, the Bichpau trail, the Mudkhu trail) and the Chisapani-Nagarkot trail in Shivapuri already being covered, the team is all set to cover the entire rims of Kathmandu Valley in the upcoming days! From offline maps, experienced trek and trail information, and mountain finders to stories and facts that you’ve never heard of, we provide you with every single note that’s essential and interesting for a trekker during his/her trek.
So, Download our App on Play Store and get ready, as we enrich your journey to the sublime hills of the valley!

Yet not convinced? Let us hear it from the experience of these three young travel writers who have been covering the rims -Shivapuri, Nagarjun, Chandragiri, Phulchowki, and Nagarkot- around the valley!

“We consider ourselves really lucky to be a part of this project! None of us had thought that the valley we’ve forever lived in has so much more than just the smell of petrol, the taste of dust, and the frustrations of the traffic jams. The outskirts and the hills surrounding this valley have such a serene presence and so many intriguing tales which makes us ‘ever-ready’ to plan our hikes!
Being a part of Honeyguide has inspired us to look at things from a new perspective and naturally appreciate the history, culture and natural beauty that our valley holds. We are really excited to introduce you ‘Day Hikes in Kathmandu’ from this unique perspective. Get in-depth with us and you’ll never travel the same way!
We do not just provide you with a hiking route and a must see building. But, take you deeper adding more values and memories to your short day hike. We tell you how the stale veggies like ‘gundruk’ (that our ‘grandmas’ usually fed us) portray the history of Nepali families; we tell you why the bells are rung in temples, and we tell you the ways how the Kings and Queens followed their religion. We give you reasons to not only look at the road ahead of you but the birds living on top of the trees that surround your path. We promise you will not just enjoy the splendid views of the hills and the mountains, but learn about the stories of these natural beauties as well.
Well, the trend to spend weekends by crowding at cinemas, dwelling at malls and filling stomachs in the top restaurants in the town can be lessened. And a new trend, which is quite interesting of course, can be started! Join us, learn from nature, dwell in hidden caves of the hills, fill your lungs with fresh air, and your mind, with heaps of positive energy!
Get up and hike with us! Let us all be the change, start to embrace the beauty of this serene valley by hiking during weekends, and make a difference in our way of living and exploring!”

HoneyGuide loves mountain lovers, and to better serve the trekking community we have,
1. Made “Trekking in Nepal” Android Mobile App absolutely FREE. Download it now!!
2. Introduced lodge, flight, and guide bookings for the Everest Region. Check it out now !!