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‘Max’ Abhay Pokhrel is just like any other 20 year old, except he is not. Most of us dream of places far and wide and plan on wild adventures while we are piss drunk. But we never really have the courage to pack up our bags. In our desire to be ‘someone’ we have forgotten ourselves. We are so busy navigating the crooked alleys of our careers that we have all but forgotten the freedom of the hills. And we have developed such a need to be in control that we have forgotten how to ‘let go’. But that is not Abhay’s story.
The young, hopeful and free spirited ‘Max’ Abhay Pokhrel!
With no penny in his pocket, but a wide smile in his face, Abhay is fearlessly taking on the road. His plan?? Eat whenever he meets a kindly stranger, sleep wherever he meets another and perhaps at the end cover all seventy-five districts of Nepal. On foot. Starting from Mahendranagar in the western end of Nepal, he is already in the fifth month of his epic journey. Perhaps in a few more months, he will reach his hometown of Kakarvitta in the eastern end of Nepal having thoroughly navigated what is an amazingly diverse country. This is easily one of the longest way home!!!
In this epic journey, HoneyGuide feels honored to have Abhay take over our blog. We hope his story will also take over your heart. You can either follow his story either through our blog or his facebook page, ‘Antya ko Suruwat’.
So this is the story of Abhay in his own words.
Little happy children from Abhay’s journey!
“My dream was to travel and capture all the moments in my eyes. And want to show the world through my lens. My friend was going through some kind of depression when he return from abroad. I was in kind of depression when I was in Kathmandu. So I chose him for my co partner in the journey. We didn’t want to start it from home although getting love there would have been easier but there was a fear of not getting permission to this dark journey of searching light. Our family, friends and hometown would not let us go, they love us and wouldn’t agree to send us far. That was the fear of love and it gave us the power to be wanderers in this wonderland. We had faith that we will find at least one person in every place, who will not let us die. “
“Beginnings are always messy.” But “A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step.”[ Sorry for the messy beginning]
Chapter 1 [Day 1, Falgun 3 2073 (Feb 14, 2017)]
It was a cold morning in Mahendranagar. It was 5:30 in the morning when we got all set to begin this ride. I still remember, me and my friends promising our families, friends, our hometown, our relatives, and yeah- to this nation that we will not end this journey with nothing. I want to see smile in everyone’s faces. With the first promise of coming back to the hotel owner of Munal Highway Hotel ( Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur) in future, we checked out from there and moved towards Chadani-Dodhara (It’s actually Dodhara-Chadani but my mouth learned that first). In that cold air and foggy road, thanks to the daju who drove his tempo and took us there. Due to fog, the bridge was not visible. So we started to wait for the fog to be clear. The tea in that shop near the bridge tasted so good in that cold. It was almost seven when we saw the bridge of our beginning. We crossed the bridge, looked towards east, looked towards home, towards that sunshine, hugged each other and made promise of being together at any cost. We made promise of not letting each other die in this ride. If anyone dies or gets in any accident, the next will complete it . Even if we can’t do anything, we will earn self satisfaction from achieving all the little things. We will be happy!
The signboard reading ‘May your journey be successful’
It was almost 7:30 am when we started our journey from West to the East- Towards home. We were sure that we will get everything, we will get back home, if we keep walking. It was going to a next world from that beautiful bridge. Bridge towards heaven.
The first picture that marks the start of a life changing journey in Abhay’s life, Dodhara-Chadani Bridge, Kanchanpur!
That fog was better but within a few hours sun start to shine. It was the first day and to walk on that sunny road was really challenging at first. But it was a lovely day and the feeling was good, I was already proud that I started, it isn’t hard anymore. The surrounding was somehow romantic! Crossing Suklaphanta, old Airport’s ground and Mahendranagar Bazaar, we walked for almost 16 kms and reached a place called Daiji (It’s in the Highway, 11km east from Mahendranagar) at 12:45 pm. We have the last note of the journey, we got it from our friend of this journey ( I told some story are unfold, not a perfect beginning). Having 2 pieces of samosa each and bowl full of “chhola” in Bhandari Nasta Pasal of Dhan B. Bhandari, we moved towards North leaving Mahendra Highway.
Dhana B. Bhandari from Bhandari Nasta Pasal, Mahendranagar.
We moved towards a place called Bedkot Taal, Baidanath Mandir. He told that it is a shortcut for Dadeldhura district ( Oh I’m sorry I told you I am not a good writer. I forget to say, how and why we are going to do this journey. We are walking from Mahakali to Mechi crossing every 75 districts of Nepal, without enough penny in the pocket, saying “We are one and this nation is my home.” and searching for happiness ). Bedkot taal was 11 km north from Daiji, Kanchanpur. I still remember the promise we made to him and his son Laxman Bhandari that their photos will be published in magazine or in a book. And this promise is one little thing of the journey which leads me to writing this book. If someone is near Daiji, Can you please contact him and show this post. Please say him we miss him!
[Since Abhay and his friends has been travelling on his own 4 months now, they want to head for the second phase of the journey with a little more support from people. If you wish to support him with the required equipments for his travel or even financially, please feel free to contact him directly on his page! ]
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