YAK KHARKA - The Yak Territory
- 4,036 meters
Kharka in Nepali means alpine pasture. Yaks used to graze in these lands and so the locals started identifying this place as the grazing place for the yaks. Hence, the name Yak Kharka came into existence. By the way, yaks still graze these lands and the surrounding lands so you will be seeing a lot of yaks around this area. Talking about yaks, be careful while taking their pictures for they can be quite temperamental. The village of Yak Kharka has got some pretty good and big lodges with good facilities. The bakery here has also been able to build quite a reputation for itself. There is also a safe drinking water station here. If you want to stay away from the nuclei of the village then there are two lodges detached from the main lodge settlement some 15 minutes further down the trail.
After Yak Kharka network connectivity will be a pain in the A and you will have to rely on landline phones provided by lodges or a satellite phone. The landline phones will be available all the way up to Thorung High camp so you won't be completely aloof from the world after all. Charges will apply, that goes without saying.